Who We Are

Advanced Illness Partners Participant Providers
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Advanced Illness Partners Preferred Providers
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Advanced Illness Partners Key Clinical and Administrative Leaders
Executive Director, Gary Bacher – CINQCARE
Medical Director, Heidi Young – Capital Caring Health
Compliance Officer, Daniela O’Mara – Capital Caring Health

Members of Advanced Illness Partners’ Governing Body

Tom Koutsoumpas, Capital Caring Health Advanced Illness Services

Rebecca Ramsay, Housecall Providers PC

Zenobia Brown, North Shore-LIJ Medical Group PC

Paola Delp, Hope Hospice and Community Services, Inc.

Karen Rubel, Nathan Adelson Hospice Inc.

Deborah Shumway, Geriatric Solutions – HOV LLC

Gary Bacher, Ex Officio

TBD, Patricia Miller

Bill Novelli, Consumer Advocate

Shared Savings and Shared Losses Information
Performance Year 2022
Amount of Shared Savings and Losses: $15,302,281.09 Gross Savings (15.6%)
Proportion of Shared Savings invested in infrastructure and redesigned care processes/resources: 0% (Participant Providers contributed funds to support investment)
Proportion of Shared Savings distributed to Participant Providers: 100%

Advanced Illness Partners’ Performance on CMS Quality Measures
Performance Year 2022
Quality Measure Performance: 100%

ACO Name and Location
Advanced Illness Partners
2300 N St NW, #630 ,  
Washington, DC 20037

ACO Primary Contacts
Gary Bacher, Executive Director, gbacher@cinq.care

Identification of all joint ventures between or among the ACO and any of its ACO Participant Providers and Preferred Providers
No joint ventures